



TAB | Take Away Bibliographies is an editorial and research project dedicated to the creation, collection and sharing of bibliographies.
TAB aims to disseminate, promote and foster research practices as everyday life activities; its ultimate goal is to deconstruct and embrace contemporary complexity. Bibliographies are often used in the academy as scientificjustifications to support our thesis, both as proof and alibi for our statements.
In TAB, we turn bibliographies into tools to spark reflection and debate. We conceptualise the creation and sharing of bibliographic lists as an act of presence, resistance and existence – a way to open ourselves to the Other.

Who decides what we can or must read?
How can we make reading an activity directed to research on ourselves and others?
How do people build their own bibliography around a word, a topic, a concept, a phenomenon?
When do people feel satisfied with the sources collected to approach a word, a topic, a concept, a phenomenon or an opinion about it?


Every issue offers a multidisciplinary bibliography realized by six different contributors starting from a floating-word. In doing this, the re-semantization of one of the most common research activities becomes in our project a coral act outside academic constrictions. TAB introduces  a common ground to re-evaluate individual and collective agency through informal learning processes and a space for sharing and inspiring nonlinear, not-productive knowledge.


TAB embraces a working method which is open, horizontal, non-hierarchical and non-judgmental. It starts from the selection of a floating word, which works as pair of compass and around which every bibliography offers a radius / a section  of the circumference.
TAB’s staff represents the basic structure of the project, but it is through the involvement of professionals and not professionals in the bibliography-building process that the platform, the goal and the method acquire significance.TAB uses fanzines as medium to distribute bibliographies to random users and to move into unexpected online and offline places. For now, TAB will be available only in english. TAB zines are created through the following steps:

1) word selection →

2) call for bibliographies →

3) editing →

4) publication...



Every step leading to the creation of a TAB zine has been taught as a collective practice. TAB proposes workshops, talks, performances connected to research practices according to the number of people and the specific audience we are working with. 

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Rita Duina - concept/founder
Cultural professional and researcher, co-design expert. Currently freelancing as audience engagement specialist for contemporary arts dedicated institutions.

Chiara Vacirca - concept/founder Artistic curator, activist and PhD student in Human and Social Sciences at the University of Salento.

CONCRēTiPO - Zine layout design/communication
CONCRēTiPO is a graphic design and printing studio funded by Giuseppe di Carlo and Linda Cuscito, two professional designers who share the passion for experimentation, design research. The studio is based in Florence and it operates around issues of editing materials and techniques, prototyping, fine art printing, development and merchandising. 

Azzurra Gasparo - curator
Art historian and artistic curator with experience in the museum sector in the field of mediation and education. She is currently involved in the enhancement of historical and cultural heritage.

Costanza Mirto - Website development/communication
Graduated in marketing and communication of Fashion, together developed a strong passion for Art so she qualified with 2 masters in Art management and Art curator. Started working as a freelancer with the dream to apply her digital skills to cultural field.

Andrea Del Bono - Editing and translation
Obtained his PhD in Culture and Society (Western Sydney University). His research work focuses on methods for cultural research, migration and place-making.